Craftdeology turns 5 today (Mar 29, 2021).
What a ride.
These past few weeks, I’ve been revisiting, rereading, and rewriting my old blog posts so I can compile them into one readable format.
Feels like a dream when I found out I have published 200 entries and written more than a thousand drafts!
Incredibly fulfilling. I have no words to describe it.
But… OK, I’ll be honest. Reading some of the posts (and drafts) was quite embarrassing. They were terrible and cringey.
Overall though, it was nostalgic. Reminds me of the days when I think I knew about something but didn’t truly understand it. What an idiot.
But who cares?
Writing for me has always been my way to make sense of the world. If I’m confused about something, I write about it. If I think I know about something, I write about it. If I think I want to learn more about a certain topic, I go write about it.
And if I feel down (which happens a lot), I write to clear my mind and understand what’s going on inside me.
Writing can be hard for sure. I have to peel every layer of my thoughts — deconstruct every bit, question my biases, argue against those thoughts, and find different perspectives.
But at the same time, writing can be such a peaceful place to be as the action itself is therapeutic.
I can write about something and just throw it. Doesn’t matter to me. Most of the time, all I want is to reach that peaceful state. The blog posts are just the byproducts.
That’s it. I don’t want to make this post lengthy (although it already is!).
It’s time to reveal an important lesson I’ve learned from 5 years of writing in Craftdeology. Here we go…
But first, know that when I say writing here, it’s not just about writing. It also means reading books, asking questions, finding different perspectives, researching, and thinking a lot — a lot.
In other words, it’s self-education.
And for 5 years of self-education, I’ve learned tons and tons of lessons. But for the sake of this post, I’ll highlight just one important lesson for you to take home.
And that is:
The more I learn the more I realize how little I know and how often wrong I am about the world.
Realizing this was embarrassing. Most of the time all I want is to say something I think “what people should do” or “what people should believe in”. But over time, I’ve slowly realized it’s just my biases, my limited point of view.
Considering everything, there’s no right or wrong.
I will surely dive more into this and expand on what it really means. I will post it here soon.
As of now, I’m still compiling all my blog posts into one readable format — could be PDF, Kindle, or just an ordinary blog post, or maybe all the 3 formats? And I might post the link here when done. So please come back.
And one last thing. If you want to be notified once I’m done working on the compilation, join my mailing list. Introduce yourself. Let me know what you think.
Thank you. I’m beyond grateful that you’ve been with me these past years.
And also, thank you to those who have helped me pursue this project. You know who you are.
Let’s celebrate together.
UPDATE June 19, 2024:
I believe I forgot to update this post.
So here it is: The 200 blog posts for 5 years.