You Are Not There Yet, Keep Going

Posting a silly minor achievement on Facebook makes us feel that we are successful. We made it.

Of course, success is relative. Everyone has their own definition what success looks like (and I’m not some jerk here to get that away from you).

But almost everyone I know falls victim into thinking and believing that they made it, every time they post a silly minor achievement on their Facebook accounts.

It’s a trick. Because the praise we get from our online friends can make us feel over-confident. As a result, we become complacent.

Eventually, we lose the drive to keep going and reach the actual finish line.

I never post anything like that on my personal Facebook account (since 2015). I use two:

  • (1) for sharing my content and ideas, as well as connecting to fellow writers;
  • (2) for marketing my band/music and connecting with loved ones and friends (hey we can be friends, too).

But I know some people who do that. And I can attest how they’ve somehow lost their grind to seriously pursue their dreams. They kind of enjoy the praise they get from their so-called online friends. Weird.

Nothing’s evil with that. If you’re not into something great, then fine. Go devour that ego-boosting compliments from your fake friends.

And if that doesn’t waste your time and energy, then go flood your social media accounts. Good luck.

But if you’re aiming for something phenomenal — a masterpiece art, a useful invention or product, a profitable business, a movement that will better the world — and you don’t want to waste time and energy, then stop broadcasting your silly teeny-weeny achievements.

Stick to the bigger picture.

Keep working.

Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Channel your time and energy into learning and improving.

Because you are not there yet.

Maybe someday, you will.

PS: There’s a difference between announcing/sharing/marketing your art or brand or product than bragging about silly achievements.

Sure, our minor achievements may fuel us to keep grinding. But there’s no need to brag about them.