It’s Okay to Change What You Think or Believe

Two of my favorite thinkers/writers Charles Chu (The Polymath Project) and Zat Rana (Design Luck) surprisingly admitted that they’ve written many things they now disagree with.

Now that made me introspect.

Because just like these guys, I too, notice that there are many things I’ve written that now contradict my present worldview. It’s embarrassing in a way, because back then I was confident that what I think or believe matters or should be given importance.

I know, I know. It was stupid.

For example, I was once a proponent of “not giving up.” I would tell people to never give up, and to never stop taking the right actions to achieve their goals, whatever happens!

It may seem like motivating or helpful to an extent, but damn, it can also be destructive.

Truth is, in some cases, giving up can be a good thing especially if it’s obviously not working (this is one of the hundred things I’ve learned recently).

It may sound counterintuitive though, but it’s possible that it could be the right thing to do.

Because when we give up the things that aren’t really working — business, job, career, or whatever pursuit — we allow ourselves to pursue other stuff that might work (or succeed).

Of course it’s relative. Every situation differs. I also believe that everyone should have their own metric when to give up or when to keep going.

The whole point is: Giving up isn’t that bad at all, especially if there are other things we want to pursue, or if there are other things more worthy of our time, energy, and money.

Again, I don’t insist that I’m right. I don’t insist everyone to adapt my worldview. But just consider this as a “thought” worth pondering.

And now, for the million dollar question: What are the things you used to believe or think as right? Do they still hold the same level of truth that they used to have the first time you encounter them?

Challenge them. Question their relevance.

Author Alain de Botton once tweeted,

“Anyone who isn’t embarrassed by who they were last year probably isn’t learning enough.”

Changing what you used to think or believe is not a sign of weakness — it’s a sign that you’re growing.

PS: I wonder, perhaps, in the future I might change my thought on this. Let’s see.