I play in two bands: Jonah and Remnants of Catacombs (ROC). The interesting part is when people — strangers or relatives — ask what my band name is. What should I say? In most cases though, my answer is Jonah. When they asked about the meaning of Jonah, I said it’s a bible character because …
Consuming Mainstream Media: The Side Effect and Why It Makes Me Feel Like Shit
For the past 3 years, these are the things I intentionally consume on a regular basis: Content from my favorite writers/thinkers (they are my heroes) Point of views from different people (during conversations) Podcasts or interviews from people I admire TED talks or any didactic videos Books/Blogs Documentaries Movies with superb storytelling (or anything that …
30 Important Questions to Ask Yourself if You Want to Live a Good Life
I have a habit of asking myself questions every now and then. Why? Because I want to know whether I’m living the life I want to live. And funny it works. There are three things that happen every time I ask myself questions: I think deeply. I explore different points of view. I try to …
How Can We Add More Years to our Lives? Maybe 5 Years More
The best way to add more years to our lives is to stop spending time on trivial matters or things that don’t give us purpose and meaning. And instead, focus more on things that truly matter to us. Now, don’t get me wrong. I understand how hard it is to focus on the things that …
Your Happiness Or Other People’s Happiness? (Try The Middle Path)
When making big decisions in life, we often end up with two paths to choose: For our happiness For others’ happiness But it’s confusing. If we choose our own happiness, people may think we’re self-centered. And if we choose the other way, ah, who knows what’s gonna happen. And because we are so confused, we …
You Have a Power, And That is to Take Full Responsibility
You can argue all day about who ought to rule our nation. Or how people should treat you. Or who ought to give you opportunities. Or how your parents should raise you. But in the end, nothing will have changed. You’re still jobless. You’re still in debt. You’re still brokenhearted and lonely and confused. Rather …
A Practical Guide to Solving Life Problems (So Here’s What I Did)
I wanted to forget my problems. All of them. I keep telling myself, “If only I have more money, if only I am smarter, if only I can write better, if only mother and father are together, if only I have all the tools I need, if only I can shred the guitar insanely.” I …
Do We Really Need Money to Be Happy, Solve All our Problems, and Better our Lives?
I often hear people say that money can solve all our problems. Money can make our lives better. Money can buy happiness. That money is freedom. Money is comfort. Money is success. Money is everything. And the more money we have, the more we enjoy life. The more money we have, the less stressed we are. The …
A Short Letter to All Worried People
In a generation where everyone is trying to become the best and live life to the fullest, it’s hard not to feel anxious. Worrying has become part of human experience. We get worried about things we don’t want to happen. We worry about losing everything we have. We worry about losing our job and not having enough …
The One Trick I Did That Made My Life Better
I always get frustrated. I wanted to keep my room clean and organized all the time and I ended up getting frustrated every other day. I wanted to stay on track with my creative works — music and writing — and on one occasion my wife suffered anxiety, I lost momentum I wished to vanish. …
Stop Spending All Your Time For Money. Create Something For People
I didn’t understand what he’s saying. But I said OK. Maybe earning more money will make him happy. After all, he’s a good friend. But I was too dumb to follow. I didn’t want to spend all my time earning more money. I wanted to create something for people. So I started Humans Unite. Now I’m …
It’s Not Enough to Risk. Ask Yourself, “Is it Worth the Risk?”
I am one of those people who encourage others to take risks. I often say: Life is short and we should do what we love, we should chase our dreams. And we should take risks. Otherwise, we die full of regrets. They just rolled their eyes. I know it’s hard. When my wife consulted to …
8 Truths I Learned at 28
Last August 20, I turned 28. As I’ve done in the past, I’d like to share some of the truths I learned over the last year. If you haven’t read my last year’s post, you can read it here. Before I begin, I would like to say that I’m grateful I’ve reached life this far. …
Remembering Your Painful Experiences, Why It’s Important?
I cried. She cried. The odds were stacked against us. We were both unprepared. We almost gave up. That was around 2014 to 2015. In August 2016, we got married. Am I happy that we tied the knot? Yes of course. But the painful experiences we had, it was unforgettable. It forced me to look …
A “Not So Good” Decision
Some days I spend more time alone thinking about life. I love life. I love that we’re mortals and we don’t know the future. I love that we all want to save someone’s life, especially our loved ones. As much as I love life, there are things I kind of hate, too. Like people hurting …
Life is Unpredictable, Yet We Chase Security and Stability
To secure the future of his daughter and help his family, he decided to work overseas. It’s a sacrifice. He’s my old friend. I miss him. … A relative confessed that she envies the mid-twenties with stable jobs. She’s in her late twenties and a single mom. All she wanted is to have a stable …
3 Lessons I Learned From a 72 Year Old Japanese Marine Engineer
Junichiro Abe has been working as a seaman for 50 years. That’s right. 50 YEARS! I can only imagine his dedication and love for his work. Not everyone can do that. My father, too, has been a seaman for nearly 30 years (he was the reason I met Mr. Abe). He told me that his …
Thank You, Life
Thank you for providing everything I need. Thank you for the adversities. They mold me into a better person. Thank you for the mysteries — they make my days interesting. Thank you for the people who are always there to support, help, and love me. Thank you for the opportunities. Thank you for my employer …
In 352 Words, Here’s What I’ve Learned in Life
1. Our ego makes us stupid. 2. We know nobody’s perfect, but we get mad at someone who does wrong things. 3. Most people don’t truly understand themselves. And they don’t even bother to understand. 4. Most poor people only want one thing— to get rich. Most rich people only want one thing — to get richer. 5. Spending all our waking …
The Most Misleading “Advice” From Our Parents
After college, our parents expect us to land a job and then earn money — decent money: “Graduate college. Land a great job so you can buy a car and own a house and have a great family. And then, save for retirement.” I get it. They want us safe and have a better life. …