You Always Criticize Their Content, Why?

He wrote a blog post and shared it on Facebook. People criticized him for his worldview. He made a vlog and shared it on Facebook. People, again, criticized his worldview. And the funny thing is that, these people who love to criticize are those who haven’t created anything meaningful. They don’t have creations to share. … Continue Reading →


But I Am Not Jesus Christ

A group of kids laughed. I had no idea until one of them shouted, “Jesus Christ!” Oh, it was my face. I tried to smile. And it wasn’t the first time. Last year, an audience screamed, “Jesus Christ!” while I was on stage playing with a band. Again I smiled. Do I have a choice? … Continue Reading →


Failure Teaches Us More Things Than Success

When people mocked how a failure I was as a writer, it made me realize my shortcomings. I need to learn more about grammar. I need to develop a unique style. I need to read more and write more and learn from other writers. When people mocked how a failure I was as a musician, … Continue Reading →


Maybe You’re Not Aware, But Facebook is Making You Unhappy

Your friend posted photos of his brand-new car. A high school buddy landed his dream job. Another one celebrated her company’s first anniversary. Hooray! Scroll. Ah, she finally got married to a wealthy man. A street vendor was so lucky a rich family helped her. Your former officemate is now earning a lot through a … Continue Reading →


Because You Compare

When life gets in the way, it’s easy to forget all the good things. At times we wonder what could have happened had we choose a different decision last year, or we followed our parents’ advice, or we followed the rules and never tried something new. These narratives arise for one reason: We compare ourselves … Continue Reading →


Care, Is it Hard?

In business: There are companies that don’t care about their customers or their staff. I’ve met some of these entrepreneurs and I wonder what the hell happened. The reason? Money first. In politics: During electoral campaigns, we hear a lot of promises. So many promises we all get excited. But when they won, where are the promises? … Continue Reading →


Sometimes, It’s Just Hard to Be Honest

She had a bad breath. I could not stand it. So I ended our relationship. She asked why. I told her I wasn’t the best guy, I couldn’t commit anymore. Her world fell apart. She was my college girlfriend. … When the church people invited me to join their special gathering, I made a lot … Continue Reading →


We Work Hard to Become Rich But We Forget to Live Life

I dream of a society where people stop chasing money. But they told me I’m not practical. That it was impossible because we need money to live a good life. We need money to buy our needs and eat the recipes we want and travel the world. I get it. So maybe I was wrong. … Continue Reading →


I May Be Confused, But I Know What I Want

I thought I would be the happiest person when I started a band and wrote metal music. I thought my path to greatness would be smooth and all I’d do is keep honing my craft even my fingers bleed I wouldn’t stop. I thought I could play the guitar and compose melodies for the rest … Continue Reading →


I Surrender. I Don’t Want to Compete.

My college professors once told me that life is a competition and if I don’t compete I don’t stand a chance. My parents believe the same bullshit. In some instances, I agree. After all I wouldn’t be here writing my opinion. I wouldn’t be here learning about writing or marketing so people can love my … Continue Reading →


I’m Different. You’re Different. What’s the Matter?

Imagine all people love the same color: Red. And only one movie: Star Wars. And only one music: Bohemian Rhapsody. And only one food: Pizza. I could go on forever. There’s more! Yes, it’s crazy. But the truth is, I couldn’t imagine a world where each person likes the same one thing. That’s boring. There should … Continue Reading →


Sometimes, I Don’t Follow Advice

The vegan lifestyle has made them happier and better people, great. You can try that, but don’t expect similar results. You can never replicate their experiences. The digital nomad lifestyle has made them wealthy and fulfilled, great. You can try that too. But again, don’t expect similar results. It would never be the same — … Continue Reading →


People Think I’m Crazy, But That’s Okay

They think I’m not living life to the fullest. That I’m doing it wrong. That I’m settling for less and I don’t have ambitions in life. And my worldview is absurd. I respect them. When I didn’t cut my hair for a year and started ignoring social gatherings, people asked, “What happened? You probably get … Continue Reading →


There Are More Things To Learn, It Never Ends

Deliberate learning has been part of my daily routine since I started reinventing myself. And I believe every person should do it, or at least try, at some point. Often, I remind myself I’m no expert on anything and there are more things to learn. Even a day without learning anything vital for my craft, … Continue Reading →


Because Life is Short

Why did I drop the opportunity to study law? Because life is short. I wanted to play in a band and pursue music. I wanted to write songs and read and write novels. I wanted to do things that make me feel more alive. Why did I resign from my first writing job? Because I … Continue Reading →


A Short Letter to All Self-Centered, Bossy Employers

They wanted me to follow the rules. They wanted me to stick to the agreement despite things not working out. They wanted me to follow the path they’re heading to, and I’m their minion so they can progress their business — even though it’s a dead-end business. But I quit. Just because you’re the boss … Continue Reading →


You Don’t Have to Prove Something on Facebook, So Don’t be a Jerk

People are getting fucked up on Facebook. When someone expresses an opinion, two things might happen: People ridicule that person. Or, prove that they are better and smarter. And that’s the reason I kind of dislike that platform, in a way (I still use it though, to connect with loved ones and like-minded individuals). If … Continue Reading →


I Want You To Feel What I Feel. That’s Why I Started It

When I read a book and it changes my mood, my perspective, my life… I realize how powerful words are. It motivates me to write a book, so I too can help transform people’s lives. Because when our lives are transformed, I believe, our planet will become a better place to live in. When I … Continue Reading →


The 2 Groups of People Today

1.  The people who consume a lot of information, and learn, and share what they find interesting, but don’t act to improve their lives and help others. These people often talk about what they know, brag about their opinions, and gossip about politics, news, sports, or any form of entertainment. They talk more. And 2. … Continue Reading →


It’s About Your “Why”

When pursuing a creative career, the temptation to achieve greatness or excellence can be alluring we can’t resist. Nothing’s wrong with that. Truth is, I’d be happy if I become a great writer and musician. Maybe you would be happy too. But I’m afraid… we both have problems. The problem is we don’t really understand … Continue Reading →