How Freelancing Helps Progress My Craft

Year 2014, I was working as a full-time ghostwriter in an online marketing company when I read Elle Luna’s life-changing essay, The Crossroads of Should and Must.  But then, I realized reading is pointless if I don’t take action to pursue my dreams. Action is the catalyst. Not reading.  After weeks of reflecting, still, I wasn’t sure which path … Continue Reading →


What if Society Has No Money (And That’s Real Society Supposed to be)

I don’t buy the idea that people should work hard to earn money and pay the bills, save for retirement, buy the things they want, travel, and have fun. Working hard, I mean, nothing’s wrong with it. We spend almost all our waking hours working. And if you love your job, great. But let’s be honest, … Continue Reading →


You Work For Money and Prestige, What About the Things You Love to Do?

If you work for a company at least 8 hours day, you’re in good position. If you, however, spend almost all your waking hours working for them, it’s time to step back and reassess your dedication. You should never forget that it’s just a job. It’s not your (only) life. It’s the company’s life. It’s … Continue Reading →


If You Want to Make the World a Better Place, Don’t Follow Everything

There are people who always follow traditional rules and never question the status quo. And there are people, on the other hand, who do the opposite — they don’t follow rules and they challenge the status quo. They can’t stand the rules because they want to do something extraordinary. They want to leave a legacy. They … Continue Reading →


Morrie Schwartz on Living a Meaningful Life

If there’s one book that changed my life, it was Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie”. As far as I remember, it was the first book that reshifted my perspective on living a meaningful life — it’s not getting rich, being famous, and hoarding material possessions. Our society has conditioned us to follow certain standards of what is … Continue Reading →


Follow the Rules or Live Life Your Own Way?

Just because the norm is to finish college → land a good job → apply for a home loan or car loan → and pay that house for 25 years, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to live a good life. Just because you didn’t go to college and you don’t have the genes of Elon Musk … Continue Reading →


The One Lesson I Learned from My First (Real) Job

After graduating college, my parents are in debt for many reasons I didn’t know. But I wanted to help. I wanted to pay back. I wanted to rescue them, and they would be proud of me. So I applied to different companies, brandishing my skills and diploma. “Hey, look, this is what I’ve got.” But it … Continue Reading →


Our Love for Excuses (And Suggestions to Stop Making Excuses)

We all have excuses why we can’t quit the job we hate. Why we’re not doing the things we love. And why we haven’t started our dream businesses or projects yet. “I hate this job but I can’t quit because I need money for my family. I can’t find a job that suits my skills. … Continue Reading →


I Am Afraid

I may look strong, but deep within, I’m afraid like everyone else. Sometimes I lie awake thinking about the future. With all these things I’m writing, with all these things I’m arguing and questioning, I wonder if it would cause good or bad to people (I’m hoping it’s good). I may not be in the … Continue Reading →


Learn From People You Admire

Albert Einstein was known as one of the most brilliant thinkers of all time — and we love him for that. But what about the person who influenced him? His teacher Konstantinos Karatheodoris. Legendary musician Jimi Hendrix learned from Johnny Jones. Phenomenal writer Lewis Carroll learned from George MacDonald. And the great Pablo Picasso had Edvard … Continue Reading →


Your Life is Yours, Not Theirs

They will try their best to stop you from achieving your dreams. They will keep saying you can’t do it. They will do everything to prove that you’re wrong and they’re right. But that’s okay. Because if you can see the bigger picture… It’s not their life — it’s yours. It’s not them who know … Continue Reading →


Different Dreams, Different Perspectives, Different Journeys

I’ve always been intrigued to hear a friend’s story who pursued a career because his parents told him to do so: “Do this and you’ll be successful. Do this, it’s the right path. It’s the best choice.” Also, these stories:  Marriages who wanted their spouse to follow a certain path believing it’s the only way … Continue Reading →


A Tweet That Changed My Life: Complain by Making Something

We all complain. It’s part of our system — though I wish to stop it, or if not, minimize at least. I’m still practicing, trying my best, trying to understand. There were days when I don’t complain amid an annoying situation. Instead, I respond not react. And it feels good, it feels liberating. Then again, … Continue Reading →


You Have a Choice

When we’re in a dire situation, it’s easy to forget the barrage of choices we used to consider — finding a better job, running to our families, asking help from our most trusted friends. The list goes on and on. Complains and blames, then, become our new mantras:  “I hate doing this, but I have … Continue Reading →


A Reminder to Myself: Stop Complaining

I’m tired of complaining and hearing others’ complain — it saddens me all the time. Though I know it’s possible to stop, but sometimes it’s damn hard especially when you’re bombarded with adversities or when you’re surrounded with negative people. I wonder what would happen if everyone stops complaining and choose to respond mindfully to every … Continue Reading →


Perfection: The Reason You Hide Your Art

She’s an artist — in fact, a great artist. But she believes she’s not good enough, that she needs more money to improve her projects, or more time to tweak them until they reach perfection. So she hides her art, waiting for the right time, waiting for the perfect moment. Waiting. Hiding. The problem is not because … Continue Reading →


2 Words That Help Me Continue My Craft

I have a few intimidating creative projects right now, which I have no idea whether will be successful or not. And like everyone else, I’m afraid to fail. I’m afraid of the critics. I’m afraid no one will appreciate my work. But I have 2 choices: Give it a try Continue living a safe life (and wonder what … Continue Reading →


9 Lessons I Learned From Vacation with Coworkers

After two years of working from home, I finally met the talented individuals behind the company I’m working for. We, together with my wife, spent a four-day vacation in Puerto Galera — a trip made possible by Damon Burton (lucky folks, thank you). The Takeaway: Spending time with these people building meaningful relationships — strolling the … Continue Reading →


Why Fear Failure? Give it a Try

Albert Einstein once said, “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never tried anything new.” The truth is if you don’t have any failures, you’re playing it safe. You’re just doing what anyone else is doing — conform, follow traditional rules, or live paycheck to paycheck. Sure, we all want safe, stability, and security. But just like … Continue Reading →


Things I Don’t Understand

I don’t understand why we spend so much time earning more money only to spend it on entertainment and hoard material possessions and buy more properties. I don’t understand why we’re dissatisfied with simple living and why we want the latest gadgets and why they advise, “Don’t settle for less.” What’s wrong with settling for less? I don’t understand … Continue Reading →