The problem is you don’t appreciate your life. You think that you would be happy once you get the promotion. You think that everything will be okay when you have that money. You think that you’re unlucky because you’re not born rich. I’m not rich and you need not be either. Haven’t you realized that …
4 Stories of Generosity from Strangers
This year, I was lucky to experience random acts of kindness. And what’s more surprising, it came from strangers — or let’s say people I haven’t met before. These people, whether they realized or not, conveyed life lessons I will forever treasure. They inspired me to be a better person. The first story was from …
What is Best for You?
Attend a grad school? Pursue a law degree? Work abroad? A creative career? Freelance? Entrepreneurship? A corporate job? Work from home? Study the word of God? More time with nature? A physical fitness program? A community of like-minded individuals? There are so many choices in life. So many choices we end up incredibly perplexed. How …
7 Truths I Realized at 27
Last August 20, I turned twenty-seven — time flies so fast. I couldn’t believe. The first time I wrote Craftdeology, I was doubtful, full of fears, afraid of being ridiculed and criticized. Months flew and… yes, I’m still afraid of being ridiculed. As they say, fear is always there. “Well, people can mock what I …
Let Go of Negative People
Negative people drain your energy. That’s a fact. Because no matter how good you are at focusing on the things that matter, or developing good habits, or leveraging your skills or things you’re good at, if ninety percent of your time is dealt with negative people, then you’ll never be happy, you’ll never achieve that …
Whatever Your Priorities, Be Like Water
When was the last time I question myself about my priorities? I couldn’t remember. The past days, it’s like whirlwind: Get those things done. Run an errand. Help a friend in need. Write music. Sleep at least 7 hours. Declutter the room. Write. Read. Fix a broken thing in the house. Meditate. Exercise. Finish more tasks. I know my …
His Name is Fear
Some people don’t realize that there’s a force keeping them from doing the things they love, or things that matter to them. Though others realize it, they are in denial. They make excuses. They keep themselves busy. They want to forget. They don’t want to talk about it. Have you ever wondered why it’s hard to do …
For my Sister: Everything Happens for a Reason
Yesterday, I had a phone conversation with my younger sister. It was her 25th birthday and we haven’t seen each other for 7 years or so — yes, life is hard. She now has 4 kids, whom she loves so much. And I can’t help but wonder how she managed to get through her life. They live within the …
Why Are You Doing It?
People lost in the long-run not because they don’t know what to do, but because they don’t know why they’re doing what they’re doing. Why are you running a business? What is your goal? Do you want to prove something? Is that something you dreamed of? Do you want to help? To sustain your family? …
When Will You Realize That…
1. Right now, now, is the time to chase your dreams. 2. You can always do great things if you want. 3. You can do what you love even with a full-time job. 4. You’re stuck because you allow yourself to get stuck. 5. The problem is your mindset. 6. Negative thoughts are slowly killing you. …
What Makes You Busy
Renowned philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, “It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?” Are you busy arguing about politics or the latest news? Playing video games? Following the life of your favorite celebrities? Floating on social media sites? Busy watching your favorite TV shows? Thinking when and where …
Just Do Something
Cook your favorite dish. Bake some cookies. Declutter your room. Clean the backyard. Plant flowers or trees. Read a bestselling novel. Experiment with new stuff. Craft an artwork. Practice animation or graphic design or programming. Or maybe, help a friend pass his or her final exam. Still bored? Then start your podcast or YouTube channel. Blog your thoughts. Strum …
You Created the Problem
Problem one: You’re in debt because of applying a car loan (a luxury car). Problem two: You’re becoming unhealthy because of overworking to pay the luxury car (plus, the monthly bills). Problem three: You’re fired from your day job because you can’t perform well, because you lack sleep, because you’ve become unhealthy, because you’re overthinking …
Elle Luna on the Crossroads of Should and Must
“There are two paths in life: Should and Must,” artist Elle Luna writes in her essay, The Crossroads of Should and Must. “We arrive at this crossroads over and over again. And each time, we get to choose.” Should, in her words, “… is how others want us to show up in the world — how we’re supposed to think, what …
Praying Without Action Cannot Change Yourself
You can pray hundred times a day. But if you don’t take deliberate actions to change or improve yourself or your situation, your prayer is useless. You’re wasting time. I believe in the power of praying and I have nothing against it. In fact, science confirmed that praying has health benefits. One of my favorite authors, Benjamin …
You Have Everything You Need
A new car won’t make you happy. A new land property won’t make you happy. A new flat screen TV won’t make you happy. A new kitchen appliance won’t make you happy. A new outfit or hairdo won’t make you happy. The latest gadget won’t make you happy. It won’t. (Maybe it will, but it’s short-term. …
Brené Brown on Empathy & Sympathy
“Empathy fuels connection while sympathy drives disconnection.” “Empathy is I’m feeling with you. Sympathy, I’m feeling for you.” These are some thought-provoking insights shared by the best-selling author Dr. Brené Brown in her 2013 RSA talk, The Power of Vulnerability. In this talk, she deconstructs the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy Dr. Brown cites a scholar named …
Why We Can’t Focus Creating
The reason we can’t focus is because we jumble creating, consuming, and communicating. How many times you respond to your Facebook message, email, or phone call while working on something that matters to you? How many times you checked the latest news, or read a blog, or watched YouTube, or visited any social media sites …
Life is Like a Wheel (Always Turning)
Life is impermanent. If you’re on top, sooner or later, you’ll go back to where you started. If money and material possessions are the things you value today, once the wheel turns and you lose everything you have, you’ll realize there are more things valuable than money and material possessions. What about family and friends? …
Why Please People?
I used to be a people pleaser. I’m afraid of what people would say and think about me. I don’t want to say NO from their requests. It makes me feel guilty. I don’t want to hurt feelings. I want peace. But after recovering from depression last year — it’s a long story — I …