We live in a culture where quantity is more honored than quality. We aim for more — more stuff, more properties, more friends, more connections, more skills, more projects, more clients, more and more. What we don’t realize is, the more things we have, the more we get stressed. The more we get busy. The …
David Foster Wallace on Self-Awareness
“The most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about,” said by the renowned author David Foster Wallace in his commencement address to the graduates of Kenyon College. This speech was later published as a book titled, “This is Water.” In his speech, he talks about compassion, respect, discipline, self-control, …
Do What You Love Today
I grew up in a society where people think that, in order to survive and have a good life, we should prioritize earning money than doing the things we love. Welcome to the rat race: The hours and hours of working — believing that someday, it will give us freedom, time, and money. Maybe for …
Don’t Hide Your Art; Ship it
It was early 2015 when I dreamed of blogging to appease my curiosity and share the lessons I learned through self-reinvention. After a few months, I realized it wasn’t easy as I thought. It took me more than a year to ship, which in fact, attainable in a few days or weeks. Shipping — a discipline …