Lack of Motivation: Purpose and Consequence

If you don’t have the motivation to do something, it means you’re not clear about your real purpose. That’s why you avoid it and waste time. You procrastinate. Because who cares. It doesn’t matter. But procrastinating is a clear sign there’s no imminent danger. Therefore, it’s easy to not do it at all. Figure out … Continue Reading →


It’s Not 1970

50 years ago, if you live in a remote fishing village and announce to your family members that you want to be a successful actor, you’d be laughed at. What are you thinking? It’s nearly impossible. Today is different. If you want to be an actor, you don’t even need to tell your family members … Continue Reading →


200 Blog Posts: 200 Ideas to Better Your Life

After 5 years of writing, reading, researching, and reflecting… I’m proud to say I’ve published 200 blog posts on this site alone. Yeah I know it’s crazy. Looking back, I say it’s the most rewarding thing I made. While a lot of my posts are terrible, to say the least, I am still proud of … Continue Reading →


5 Years of Self-Education, 1 Important Lesson

Craftdeology turns 5 today (Mar 29, 2021). What a ride. These past few weeks, I’ve been revisiting, rereading, and rewriting my old blog posts so I can compile them into one readable format. Feels like a dream when I found out I have published 200 entries and written more than a thousand drafts! Incredibly fulfilling. … Continue Reading →


Welcome to the “Land of Learning Process”

One of the ironies in life is that we always expect others to act flawlessly, yet we know nobody’s perfect. We know that they — family members, friends, neighbors, or even the world leaders — are imperfect individuals. Yet here we are expecting them to act the best way possible. And when they fail, we … Continue Reading →


Knowing Without Understanding

We’ll never fully understand something through reading, or listening, or watching. True understanding takes place when we apply what we’ve learned to real life — when we actually experience it. Notice the difference. Knowing is one thing. Understanding is one thing. Sometimes we know something, but we don’t truly understand it. It’s just new information … Continue Reading →


10 Unexpected Lessons From Our Second Company Trip

My stomach was rumbling. No. It was on fire. It was about to explode. Allyn, my wife also felt it. While my teammate Orlan was speechless. I started imagining a feast. Salad. Grilled chicken. Lettuce. Roast beef. Fried lumpia. Soup. Pizza. Chips. Yum yum. But maybe we should wait for others. Maybe we should. Shiela … Continue Reading →


Your Most Important Mission

Peel your thoughts and emotions day by day. Question your beliefs. Question your desires. Question everything: your relationships, your dreams, your fears, plans, needs, wants, reactions, dramas, envies, biases, thought process, and perspective. Challenge everything you think you know. Challenge everything you believe as the truth. Reflect on your mistakes — learn. Try something new. … Continue Reading →


Creating with Less Stress

5 years ago, I was a novice web writer. 5 years ago, I was a novice metal songwriter. I think I still am. I don’t see myself as an expert. I’m still learning. The only difference is, I now have the experience. I know what it takes. I know how it feels to fail and … Continue Reading →


The Art of Catching Yourself

Can you catch yourself every time you get mad at something beyond your control? Can you catch yourself every time you beat yourself up for failing to achieve your desired outcome? Can you catch yourself every time you berate your spouse for his/her inadequacy? Can you catch yourself every time you want to prove you’re … Continue Reading →


Not the Best, But Useful

We think being the best will lead us to success. But that’s not always the case. In reality, what most people really want is not the best. People want what is useful (to them). If you can be useful to others, you’re way more ahead than those trying to become the best. How can we … Continue Reading →


Flush Them Out

It sucks when you do something good for others but they hurt you instead. But does it really matter if they hurt you? Would that change the fact that you exist? Will that make the world explode? The world doesn’t care about your feelings. People fuck up. And you may be the victim. But who … Continue Reading →


Old Belief, New Belief

I bought 2 identical padlocks for our two rooms. Here, take a look: Padlock 1 was for our bedroom. Padlock 2 was for our home office. But there’s one problem: Padlock 2 couldn’t fit. On the other hand, Padlock 1 fit well. The staple was big enough. I didn’t want to wallow in frustration, right … Continue Reading →


Money or Time? Awareness and Boundary

What most modern people want is to have enough money and more time. Money + Time  = Ideal life But we have to remember the tradeoff (there’s always a tradeoff). Earning more money (the right way) would consume time. There’s a sacrifice. We might consider setting aside some hobbies or entertainment, and instead, use our … Continue Reading →


10 Truths I Learned at 30

Last Aug 2019, I turned 30. What a year. This post should have been posted last year. But as usual, life gets in the way. Did a lot of things. Learned a lot of new things. You can check the truths I learned at 29 here. 1. The pain or adversity we experience today will … Continue Reading →


You are “You”

“At the end of the day, it’s just you.” I’m not sure what that quote means for you. But I think about it this way: No matter what I do or what others do, at the end of the day, I still end up with myself. I’m still inside this body. This is a good … Continue Reading →


It’s Happening Right Now

My wife and I moved into a new house 4 months ago. It was an abrupt decision. We weren’t prepared. But we took our chances. And glad, we made it. For the past 4 months, everything felt messy. I had to balance working (we both work from home) and organizing the house, and assisting my … Continue Reading →


My Happiness Formula

I didn’t invent this. But you can try. Gratitude + Contentment + Acceptance Gratitude: Grateful for everything I have. Grateful for the time I can spend with the people I love. Grateful for being alive and healthy and safe. Grateful I can still do things that give me joy. I can still be useful. Contentment: … Continue Reading →


It’s Not Their Fault

You have a dream. You want to become a painter. You want to become a musician. A novelist. A dancer. A scientist. You want to start your own small business. You want to start a tech company. But your parents, your relatives, and every person you know disagree because your dream won’t make you rich. … Continue Reading →


Change it, Leave it, Accept it

In almost every circumstance, we only have 3 choices: Change Leave Accept If we can’t change it, then leave. If we can’t leave, then change. If we can’t change or leave, then accept whatever it is. But we all know that changing or leaving may lead to consequences we might regret. And accepting is easier … Continue Reading →