Superpowers You Can Nurture

Real superpower isn’t having an unimaginable strength or extraordinary fighting abilities. Those are just what the movies portray. There’s more to that in real life. Here are some of them: Not taking criticisms and negative feedbacks seriously. Staying calm amidst a stressful situation. Not getting envious of other people’s achievements. Not getting distracted by trivial … Continue Reading →


Honesty, Reality, Love

Most people I know confess there’s something they truly love to do. It’s their passion. It’s their purpose in life. Maybe they really love doing it. Maybe they’re honest. But when you ask them why they aren’t doing it, things get interesting. Lots of excuses. It’s because they have to do something first. They have … Continue Reading →


The Present Moment is All There is

Now that I’m a parent I often find myself worrying about the future. But every time I’m doing this, it’s pulling my attention out from the present moment. For example, instead of enjoying my baby’s giggles or cuddling with him, I sometimes zone out and fantasize different things I should do to give him the … Continue Reading →


Where Did You Pick That Up?

The things you believe in are mostly passed down to you. You may not remember it, but you didn’t have any beliefs back then. Nothing. Along the way though, you picked up stuff — not just beliefs, also ideals and preferences and dreams. You were unconsciously constructing your own sense of self. And planning for … Continue Reading →


Returning the Favor

It’s human nature to respond to a positive action with positive action. In social psychology, they call it reciprocity. This simply means we want to give back. We don’t want to feel indebted. Maybe not the case for everyone, but I always feel that way. The other day I asked my colleague for a favor. … Continue Reading →


You’re Not Lazy, You Just Don’t Have the Courage

Whenever you think you’re lazy to do something, it’s not actually laziness — you’re just afraid of something. Fear takes over. Imagine how many things you could have done if you muster enough courage to do them. Courage to tell someone about your feelings. Courage to propose a project with a like-minded individual. Courage to … Continue Reading →


The Right Feedback

Find people you trust or people who truly understand what you’re doing. Or people who are actually doing what you’re doing. Ask them for feedback. “What can you say about my work? How can I improve it? What should I avoid doing?” Then reassess. And Improve. Keep improving until you become confident with it. The … Continue Reading →


Enthusiasm for Learning

The things you only want to learn are the things you’re enthusiastic about. If you’re not enthusiastic about writing music or programming or baking cakes, then you’ll never learn it. Although sometimes you’re obliged to learn something because of your unique situation, you’re not actually learning in the most efficient way. You’re just following instructions so … Continue Reading →


Lack of Motivation: Purpose and Consequence

If you don’t have the motivation to do something, it means you’re not clear about your real purpose. That’s why you avoid it and waste time. You procrastinate. Because who cares. It doesn’t matter. But procrastinating is a clear sign there’s no imminent danger. Therefore, it’s easy to not do it at all. Figure out … Continue Reading →


It’s Not 1970

50 years ago, if you live in a remote fishing village and announce to your family members that you want to be a successful actor, you’d be laughed at. What are you thinking? It’s nearly impossible. Today is different. If you want to be an actor, you don’t even need to tell your family members … Continue Reading →


200 Blog Posts: 200 Ideas to Better Your Life

After 5 years of writing, reading, researching, and reflecting… I’m proud to say I’ve published 200 blog posts on this site alone. Yeah I know it’s crazy. Looking back, I say it’s the most rewarding thing I made. While a lot of my posts are terrible, to say the least, I am still proud of … Continue Reading →


5 Years of Self-Education, 1 Important Lesson

Craftdeology turns 5 today (Mar 29, 2021). What a ride. These past few weeks, I’ve been revisiting, rereading, and rewriting my old blog posts so I can compile them into one readable format. Feels like a dream when I found out I have published 200 entries and written more than a thousand drafts! Incredibly fulfilling. … Continue Reading →


Welcome to the “Land of Learning Process”

One of the ironies in life is that we always expect others to act flawlessly, yet we know nobody’s perfect. We know that they — family members, friends, neighbors, or even the world leaders — are imperfect individuals. Yet here we are expecting them to act the best way possible. And when they fail, we … Continue Reading →


Knowing Without Understanding

We’ll never fully understand something through reading, or listening, or watching. True understanding takes place when we apply what we’ve learned to real life — when we actually experience it. Notice the difference. Knowing is one thing. Understanding is one thing. Sometimes we know something, but we don’t truly understand it. It’s just new information … Continue Reading →


10 Unexpected Lessons From Our Second Company Trip

My stomach was rumbling. No. It was on fire. It was about to explode. Allyn, my wife also felt it. While my teammate Orlan was speechless. I started imagining a feast. Salad. Grilled chicken. Lettuce. Roast beef. Fried lumpia. Soup. Pizza. Chips. Yum yum. But maybe we should wait for others. Maybe we should. Shiela … Continue Reading →