Words, when used to tell stories or convey information, can become a powerful force that either inspires or shatters. We may not notice it, but words have been shaping life for ages.
Author Paul Jun examines this force in his ebook “Building an Empire with Words.”
He writes [emphasis mine]:
“What I have come to understand is this: words are not just an influential force but also a determining one; they can create and divide, enrich and motivate, expand and change the world as we see it.”
Whether conveyed consciously or unconsciously, any words we absorb can shift our emotions and reframe our perspectives. That’s the reason why after hearing a motivational speech, we feel motivated. Or after watching an inspiring movie, we feel inspired.
Paul Jun continues, elaborating how words can be used to build an empire:
“When I say an empire, I don’t mean to portray a monarch-and-military-sense; unless that’s what you’re aiming for. The empire can be your reality. It can be your mindset; or it can be something physical like a brand or an organization. Most importantly: it is yours to decide and construct.”
“The empire can be limitless by your design. You can call it life, happiness, a project, or a business venture — anything you want. You are the architect, the designer, the carpenter; your words are the raw material.”
Words have been advancing our society for eons.
Almost anything we see today — a product, business, an artwork, or infrastructure — might have started through powerful words.
Simply put: A novice entrepreneur may have brilliant ideas, but without the ability to use words to motivate a team or connect with like-minded individuals, it’s more challenging to make those ideas a reality. It would be difficult to build an empire then.
An artist pursuing a creative life may have the passion and skills, but without those motivating words or in-depth insights they consistently absorb, staying tenacious can be challenging. It would be difficult to build an empire then.
As the author Yehuda Berg once said, “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity.”
Words affect our empires in two ways: Positive or Negative
Paul Jun explains this, too:
“When building an empire with words, anything is possible; its immune to words such as impossible, unreal, and unattainable.”
“If you continue to use negative, demeaning words, that’s the empire you will create for yourself. The unceasing abuse of unfitting words will affect you, resulting in poor attitude, weak mentality, and less actions.”
“If your empire is focused on happiness, then your words must meet those criteria. Instead of always saying how bad life treats you, do something to change it. Don’t allow yourself to be prey of discouraging words. Stay positive, eye on the prize, and persevere through tough times — you will come out stronger. Use your words to determine your outcome.”
This is the ultimate challenge. Despite being aware of the power of words, most of the time, we find it hard using them in a positive or meaningful way. It seems like we’re programmed to create senseless judgments and biased opinions without even ruminating on what we should utter.

Image taken from motivatedmastery.com
In the workplace, it’s easy to say “I can’t do it. It’s impossible,” rather than “I haven’t tried that, but I’m willing.”
And it’s easy to say “It’s his fault, not me,” rather than “I hope he learned from this mistake, anyway, let’s solve this.”
The problem is not the situation, nor the challenge, but it’s our mindset. Our words.
I’m no perfect, and sometimes, I say negative words to others (or even to myself). It makes me so guilty, I think of inventing a time machine and turn back time. Sounds crazy. But yes, it’s hard to keep our words positive.
While it’s hard to keep our words positive, at least, let’s try to become aware of our negative words and realize whether we said is necessary or unnecessary. Remember, it’s our job to keep our self-awareness aflame — to become fully aware of what we say to ourselves and others.
Are those words helping the situation? Will they solve the problem? Are those messages ignite progress or positive change? If not, better replace the negative with positive. And this boils down to a conclusion:
The power of words should be used in a positive and meaningful way.
Note that when I say “meaningful,” that includes providing constructive criticisms or candid opinions for the sake of improvement or change. Not to embarrass someone. Stay mindful when you do this.
Paul Jun continues by expounding the positivity and negativity of words:
“Words can do anything.
They can bring warmth to those who feel discomfort. They can fill people with happiness, encouragement, hope, or even make them fall in love; but they can also do the contrary such as inflict pain, brainwash, destroy whole cities and devour civilizations.”
I think of words as water: They can wash, refresh, and wake us. Or they can also drown us. And this is happening.
While hundreds of blogs, books, and videos spread positive messages, negative words also permeate globally, particularly on social media sites. How can we solve this?
Jeff Goins has an answer: “Be the person who says something when no one else is. Be brave. Dare to speak and have something worth talking about. Start a revolution with your words.”
Paul Jun amplifies it by saying [emphasis mine]:
“This is your world, your empire, your life. Words are being thrown around everyday without consideration — be the person who uses his or her words wisely, to make a difference, to shock and awe, and to build your empire the way you desire.”
It’s true that words affect our daily lives. From our relationships, careers, jobs, businesses, to every aspect of life, every word we absorb or convey has an impact.
And we have the choice to use the power of words in making a difference.
Building an Empire With Words is an ebook woven with life-changing insights that any word lovers would treasure. I recommend it for writers, artists, communicators, or anyone building an empire.