A destructive financial mistake? Fired from your job? Someone wronged you?
Ask why and how did it happen. Think. Then pause.
The “pause” is where all the difference is.
Because during the pause, you are regulating your emotions.
Self-control is possible. But it can be tricky because everyone is different.
It’s your job to figure out the best approach to control yourself.
It might take you a while, so be patient. You’ll get there.
Sometimes you have to go through many outbursts before learning your lesson (good luck).
You have to remember that you always have a choice.
The best move you can make is to spend time alone so you don’t hurt others.
While you’re alone, meditate (deep breathing) to stay calm, and journal (documenting your thoughts) to gain clarity.
Sooner or later, you’ll figure it out.
But that’s just the first step because understanding the “cause” can only teach you lessons so you don’t repeat the same mistakes. And that keeps you stuck; Keeps you in a cycle of blame. Not helpful.
To move forward, get over with the “why” and “how”, and shift to asking “What to do now?”